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Translational Medicine @ UniSa - Special Issues
Educazione alimentare e sani stili di vita, dai presupposti scientifici ai metodi applicativi - 23.11.2018
Giornate della Facoltà di Farmacia e Medicina 2014
Annual meeting of the Working Groups on "Myocardial Function" and "Cellular Biology of the Heart" Villa Monastero, Varenna ITALY - May 2-5th 2013
Il Dolore dall'evento al fenomeno
Napoli - 28 Marzo 2012
5th International Meeting
Dialogues on anaesthesia and intensive care
Volume 23 - 2020 (Sept. - Dec. 2020)
Volume 22 - 2020 (May - Aug. 2020)
Volume 21 - 2020 (Jen. - Apr. 2020)
Volume 20 - 2019 (Jul. - Dec. 2019)
Special Issue 01 - 2019
Volume 19 - 2019 (Jan. - Jun. 2019)
Volume 18 - 2018 (Jan. - Dec. 2018)
Volume 17 - 2017 (Sept. - Dec. 2017)
Volume 16 - 2017 (May. - Aug. 2017)
Volume 15 - 2016 (May. - Aug. 2016)
Volume 14 - 2016 (Jan. - Apr. 2016)
Volume 13 - 2015 (Sept. - Dec. 2015)
Volume 12 - 2015 (May. - Aug. 2015)
Volume 11 - 2015 (Jan. - Apr. 2015)
Volume 10 - 2014 (Sept. - Dec. 2014)
Volume 9 - 2014 (May. - Aug. 2014)
Volume 8 - 2014 (Jan. - Apr. 2014)
Volume 7 - 2013 (Sept. - Dec. 2013)
Volume 6 - 2013 (May. - Aug. 2013)
Volume 5 - 2013 (Jan. - Apr. 2013)
Volume 4 - 2012 (Sept. - Dec. 2012)
Volume 3 - 2012 (May. - Aug. 2012)
Volume 2 - 2012 (Jan. - Apr. 2012)
Volume 1 - 2011 (Sept. - Dec. 2011)
Editorial policies
Editorial Board
Copyediting and proofs
Submission Rules
Why publish your article in TranslationalMedicine?
Educazione alimentare e sani stili di vita, dai presupposti scientifici ai metodi applicativi - 23.11.2018
Giornate della Facoltà di Farmacia e Medicina 2014
Annual meeting of the Working Groups on "Myocardial Function" and "Cellular Biology of the Heart" Villa Monastero, Varenna ITALY - May 2-5th 2013
Il Dolore dall'evento al fenomeno
Napoli - 28 Marzo 2012
5th International Meeting
Dialogues on anaesthesia and intensive care
5th International Meeting - Dialogues on anaesthesia and intensive care
(Napoli, 18-19 novembre 2011)
01 - Advanced Directives and "Court-Appointed Limited Guardianship" (Amministrazione di Sostegno) in Italy
Durante V.
02 - Local anesthesia in the postoperative pain
Forastiere E., Sofra M.
03 - Risk of hypoxic gas mixture in low flow anaesthesia: end-tidal versus manually controlled anaesthesia
Lucangelo U., Garufi G., Turchet F., Zanei A.
04 - Chronic Post-Surgical Pain: A New Therapeutic Option ?
Consalvo M., Cayro L.S., Bragazzi L., Coluzzi F.
05 - Epidural Analgesia Vs Cse In Labour : What's The Best Tecnique?
Scafuri P., Pascale S., Paganelli P, Oppido I, Pascale L, Pascale G.
06 - Safe Route For Organ Donation And Transplant
Piazza O., Caiazzo S.
07 - From Welby's case to end-of-life objection?
Riccio M.
08 - End of life ICU: current situation in Italy
Servillo G, Marra A, Vargas M, Grasso G.
01 - Role Of Ozone Therapy In The Treatment Of Ischemic Heart Disease In The Acute Phase
D'Elia A., Mingione M.L., Ciao A, Bastianini B. And Lettieri B.
02 - Comparison Between Isobaric Levobupivacaine And Hyperbaric Bupivacaine In Subarachnoid Anesthesia (Sab) For Cesarean Delivery: Our Experience.
Dimarzio G., D'Elia A., Ciao A, Vessicchio L. And Lettieri B.
03 - Plasma Levels Of B-Endorphins And Acth In Labor In Continuous Epidural Analgesia
Mingione M.L., D'Elia A., Di Domenico I., De Vizia M. And Lettieri B.
04 - Comparison Between O2 And Oxygen/Ozone Mixture Treatment In Decreasing Postsurgical Peritoneal Adhesion And The Levels/Activity Of The Local Ubiquitine-Proteasome System
Di Domenico I., Dimarzio G., Pepe L. And Lettieri B.
05 - Extracorporeal Co 2 Removeal In Icu
Mattei A.; Mocavero P.; Coppola M.; Vicchio C.; Lazzaro P.: Corcione A.; Capasso E.
06 - Droperidol In The Prophylaxis Of The Postoperative Nausea And Vomit After Thyroidectomy Surgery
Coviello A., Stumbo R., D'Arienzo S., Coletta F., Diglio V., Bernardo A., Russo R., Mazza G., Colella U., Passavanti M.B.
07 - Evaluation Of Tracheal Intubation Conditions In Morbidly Obese Patients With Rocuronium Bromide
Bernardo A., D'Arienzo S., Stumbo R., Coletta F., Giordano G., Coviello A., Russo R., Gritti F., Diglio V., Sansone P.
08 - Sugammadex For Reversal Of Neuromuscular Blockade
Russo R., Stumbo R., D'Arienzo S., Coletta F., Bernardo A.,Giordano G., Coviello A., Mazza G., Colella U., Pace M.C.
09 - Trigeminal Neuralgia: Efficacy And Safety Of Pregabalin With Oxycodone Controlled Release
Giordano G, D'Arienzo S, Stumbo R, Coletta F, Bernardo A, Coviello A, Colella U., Gritti F, Diglio V, Aurilio C.
10 - Analgesia And S.N.E.P.C.O. (Selective Neuronal Potassium Channel Openers): Our Experience With Flupirtine.
Graffi M, Longobardi C, Giovannini A, Viscardi D, Costa F, Palomba R
11 - Tci In Breast Surgery: A Clinical Experience
Cristiano R, Maresca A, Pucciarelli A, Sannino D, Gervasio A, Pisaturo F, Montesano R, Zampi M
12 - Tap Block In Postoperatory Analgesia : Our Short Experience
Cristiano R.¹ , Maresca A. ¹ , Bucci L.² , Sannino D. ¹ , Montesano R. ¹ , Gervasio A. ¹, Luglio G.², Zampi M. ¹
13 - Acupuncture: From Basic Concepts Of Traditional Chinese Medicine To Modern Clinical Practice. A Personal Experience.
Palomba R, A. Di Gilio, A. Vaccarella, M. Zampi
14 - Efficacy Of Palmitoylethanolamide (Pea) In Neuropathic Pain.
Candiello A, Russo V, Salvato F, Vaccarella A, Viscardi D, Palomba R
15 - Beneficial Effect Of Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution And Autotransfusion In Neurosurgical Patients
Esposito I., Maucione G., Esposito M., Maresca L.,Aronne F.,Aglialoro E.,Scafuro M.,
16 - Target Controlled Infusion -Tiva Vs Manual Tiva In Neurosurgery.
Esposito I., Maucione G., Esposito M., Maresca L.,Aronne F.,Gargano F.,Scafuro M.,
17 - Tci In Thyroid Resurgery Supported By Nerve Integrative Monitor. A Case Report.
Cristiano R., Maresca A., Pisaturo F., Pucciarelli A., Montesano R., Sannino D., Romano G., Gervasio A., Zampi M.
18 - Use Of Osmotic Release Oral System (Oros® ) Hydromorfone At Low Doses In Non - Cancer Pain
Di Gilio A, Graffi M, Russo V, Vaccarella A, Viscardi D, Palomba R
19 - Catheter-Related Blood- Stream Infections (Crbsi): Incidence And Potential Catheter Related Risk Factors.
L. Vessicchio, G. Fezza, D. Di Martino, G. Russo, A. Frungillo, V. Afeltra, And B. Lettieri
20 - Hyperlactatemia: Causes, Incidence And Impact On Outcome Of Patients Admitted In Icu
A. D'Elia, G. Russo, M. Di Mauro, L. Baldascino, A. Palma, D. Di Martino, And B. Lettieri
21 - Acute Postoperative Pain In Neurosurgical Patients: Oxycodone Cpr Versus Ketorolac + Tramadol
Esposito M., Maucione G., Esposito I., Maresca L., Aronne F., Aglialoro E., Gargano F., Scafuro M.
22 - Surgical Site Infiltration With Local Anesthetics For Pain Control After Craniotomy
Fruncillo A., Galizia C., **Smaldone D., Fezza G., **D'Elia A., **Mingione M.L., *Scafuro M.
23 - The Facet Joint Syndrome: Our Experience
Fruncillo A., Galizia C., *** Mastrominico G., *** D'Elia A., *** Mingione M.L., ** A. Gallo, * Scafuro M., ** Natale M